Making an appointment:
You can phone 01900 822008 or email info@cockermouthphysio.co.uk to make an enquiry and book an appointment.
We have a part time receptionist who will contact you to arrange a suitable appointment.
When phoning please leave your name, phone number & email address.
Let us know if you have been a patient previously and if any of your details have changed so we can have your notes ready and up to date.
We will confirm your appointment and send a consent form which you MUST read then accept the appointment.
First appointment:
At your first appointment we will ask you your reasons & aims of attending. We will ask questions about the issue, the history and your general health and activities. We will discuss potential, suitable treatment/management options with you.
After the first appointment we will send you your specific exercise prescription via our rehab software as well as any relevant advise or links to additional information.
An initial appointment is £60. This includes the appointment (45mins), writing up of the assessment and treatment plan, plus forming and sending your exercise prescription.